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  • /gamesImg/monet/pl9z0kk2scb1e7w2r2b3i9ili8mhyjk1.jpgCrowd Zombie 3D
  • 22.5K
  • /gamesImg/monet/pl9z0kk2scb1e7w2r2b3i9ili8mhyjk1.jpg

    Crowd Zombie 3D

    Start fleeing, join the crowds, and build the most zombie-infested metropolis you can imagine. If your mob is large enough, you can easily overwhelm any city crowd by joining theirs and battling across the city. Each enormous crowd-running figure possesses a distinct ability to join and conflict with other crowds, creating the largest zombie mob in the city. Our fresh new experimental, extremely advanced monster-catching game requires the participation of a crowd game operator. If you are interested in assisting your city, please contact us. Your objective is to capture as many zombies as you possibly can.